Friday, 24 March 2017

Rough Cut 2- Production Diary

Here is my second rough cut, I have made several developments that are noticeable including the use of Luts (Lookup table) which are simply just a preset collection of colour values that create certain Luts. I used the Lut seen in this picture in the effect controls- Creative section. It is called SL NOIR  TRI-X, I was lucky in the fact I found one that already sat within premiere pro.

They make a very significant difference to how the music video looks. As seen by the difference in the overall appearance of my 1st rough cut and this one.

Rough Cut 2 with LUT
Rough Cut 1 no LUT, saturation value 0
The application of the LUT as can be seen has made a huge difference to the quality of the footage as we can clearly see how the whites instantly look less blown out compared to the first rough cute. Furthermore it also enhances the blacks and shadows in the clips as seen by the larger shadow created by the shelf behind the protagonist. Finally, when you take a look in and around of the glasses it brings out more reflection and detail to the point you can almost pick out the pattern on the glasses. It also helped with a certain level of colour correction however this happened at a later point.

I also made several changes to the edit by creating much shorter cuts especially at the start, furthermore I worked to ensure it was more on the beat then previous times. This made it seem more like a music video then just a short film which is often hard to distinguish with my strong narrative my production relies on. In fact if you watch my video compared to my first rough cut the story is much further ahead than before with it being several shots ahead, but of course this had to be done to prepare for my third rough cut with titles inserted. This will then mean I will near a final cut however there is still along way to go with every clip to colour grade using the scopes I previously learnt to use.  

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