Jaws have published two EPs so far, and have also released four singles "Toucan Surf", "Surround You", "Friend Like You" and "Gold". The B side of "Surround You"—"Stay In" featuring on the Ubisoft game Rocksmith 2014. "Gold" was featured in an episode of Hollyoaks. They have toured with The Twang, Peace, Swim Deep, Spector as well as various support slots.
In December 2013 the band announced via their Facebook page that they would be recording a full studio album in 2014 partially funded by the PRS. In April their next single will be released called "Think Too Much, Feel Too Little".
In June 2014 the band announced the Debut album "Be Slowly" would be released on 15 September that year. The band announced over Twitter a tour in September, stopping at Birmingham, Newcastle, Glasgow and plenty more. Support acts being Fickle Friends, Milk Teeth and Brawlers.
On 27 April 2015, JAWS shared the standalone single "Bad Company" via Huw Stephens Radio 1 show.
Band member
Below we see a discography and all music videos that have been previously made by JAWS
This is 'Right in Front of Me' is taken from JAWS forthcoming album 'Simplicity'. It is simply official audio not an actual music video.
Official video for "Be Slowly" by JAWS. Taken from the Debut Album "Be Slowly. This is a performance based video with no narrative.
'Just A Boy' is taken from JAWS forthcoming album 'Simplicity'. Which is simply the official audio not a music video.
"Surround You" by JAWS
Produced by Dreamtrak & Gavin Monaghan
Official video for "Think Too Much, Feel Too Little" by JAWS. Taken from the Debut Album "Be Slowly", out 15/09/14. Is simply performance based video.
"Toucan Surf" by JAWS
Produced by Dreamtrak
Simply an audio track
Friend like you. Simply an audio track
Official video for "Gold" by JAWS. Taken from the Debut Album "Be Slowly", out 15/09/14.
A performance style music video however this does include some scenery
Sadly, as JAWS are only a small band they have not got many music videos. Furthermore this makes it near impossible to find out who directed the videos so that is why I don't have any of that info available.
I have done some more in-depth audience research. With another short description of the band.
JAWS are a small indie band who operate in and around the dream pop genre, they became more popular around 2013 when there was a new wave of popular indie music. There audience tend be males around the age of 14-18, who in general are left leaning in political view. I could not find any real dater on JAWS as they are to small of a band. However by looking at a similar band who are seen as related artists on several websites I have devised a target audience.
Best Coast are similar band to JAWS and they have a following which has a low average age. My source for this is https://yougov.co.uk/opi/browse/Best_Coast. Where we see the average age is around 14-18. Peace another similar band has a similar age meter with it slightly older than that of Best Coast, so I feel I would be correct in saying that JAWS would have a very similar audience or at least core audience. So feel 14 - 18 is an appropriate age range. However, of course there is a section of the indie genre who are above the age of 20, but of course this isn't as large a group as that of the core audience of age 14-18. That I would consider my secondary audience when it comes to the age demographic. However I do admit other figures on the you gov website as seen below that show that more people of the ages 25-39 like similar bands to JAWS, however as it is a much wider age range I decided to take into account the 18-24 year olds as compared to the rest of the population as a whole ,because 16% more people in of the age range of 18-24 like similar bands to JAWS compared to the 9% difference between population and people who are into the band. All of these statistics are sourced from the link above and are seen inn the screenshots below. So from this I plan to input more teenage themes in my music videos in order to make my core audience and secondry audience
Through Looking at other bands I have found out that the majority of people who listen to JAWS or at least related artists are male, however only by a slim majority so in general there is a fair balance between gender. So this means I'm going to take this in mind during the process of making my video so I can have the video appeal to the widest audience possible. To do this I will ensure I use an actor that will appeal to the female population. Using the premise of the male gaze that being that I use attractive male characters In order to attract and interest female viewers. Secondly, my video also has purely male characters in which will give the male audience something to relate to, furthermore I could also say by using the attractive male protagonist could be taking advantage of the gay gaze. Which is of course the use of attractive character in order to attract the opposite sex to watch the film.
General Beliefs
On the whole people who are into indie pop, indie rock and dream pop are in general left thinking progressives seen by yougov stats seen in the screenshots below for Best Coast. This is probably because their demographic is young, and stats show the younger you are the more left wing you are as youth gives you an idealistic view of the world. So from this I have decided to use the left leaning communist manifesto as a prop within my video. Furthermore I primarily am doing this in order to reference the communist movement that was taking place at the time of German expressionist movement, because I have taken such a string influence from such film makers like F.W.M.
Film and Television interests
The website yougov give you the ability to look at what somebodies TV likes may be if they like a particular band. Through this I again used the band Best Coast in order to identify the likes of the type of person who would listen to the band JAWS as they don't have a page on yougov as of the size of the band. From this recourse I found out that the people who like this genre of band tend to like the following films.
Which shows us overwhelmingly that the most popular genre is horror, which is why my production is going to be of this genre. As my narrative follows a very similar story to that of the famous film and story of Frankenstein. I feel this will ensure that I attract and engage the audience I'm aiming for.
In conclusion, the audience for the band JAWS tends to be of either male or female of the age of 16-24. Who is in general left leaning in political ideology and into indie music and horror genre productions.
In conclusion, the audience for the band JAWS tends to be of either male or female of the age of 16-24. Who is in general left leaning in political ideology and into indie music and horror genre productions.
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