Saturday, 10 September 2016

Music Video Analysis (Seven Nation Army, The White Stripes)


There are 3 different colours used in the video these were black, white and red all the way through, however arguable the white is has a hint of blue. The black and white are typical colours found in a video in the rock genre, as they connote darkness and sadness. The colour red shows danger and so using red as one of the only bright colours in the video solidifies the idea that rock is in ways rebellious.
There are low angle shots of the man playing guitar, as it gets closer to the screen it begins to get larger in dimensions This makes the audience feel look up at him like he is a celebrity figure in some way. This camera effect gives the people in the band a idol like figure
As the song picks up and becomes more intense. so it begins to flash which builds up more excitement and energy than if it was to continue at the same pace. As the speed of the song increases, the speed of the triangles directly correlates to the speed of the music, So when the song slows, the triangles of course also slow. This gives the video variety of speed which makes it more clear.
The video is one shot which lasts all the way through the video as the camera seems to go through a never ending kaleidoscopic tunnel of triangles; this gives it a hypnotising.
There is a guitar and a drum kit which are seen in the video which helps us to acknowledge that this video is in the rock genre as they are rocks trademark instruments. As the man is plays the guitar he head bangs which shows he is performing with  passion and rock bands tend to put all their energy into a show. However this is a very generalized convention
There are skeletons in armour in the video marching this relates to the song and also gives another idea of what genre it identifies as. Skeletons tend to connote death which is a convention in some rock songs and so are more likely to appear in a rock video than  in any other genre.
There are some shots of the singer looking straight at the camera whilst singing, and sometimes points into the lens. This makes the audience feel like he’s personally talking to them and so a relationship is formed in order to relate to him relate to him.

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