Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Test Footage

I have created several pieces of test footage, in order to help others and myself visualise and prove the look and set I want is possible. To do this I had to research how to create the look I wanted, that being the weathered look I talk of later. In the end I have ended up using this piece of film of grains and scratches as an overlay in Premiere Pro.

Firstly, we just see a shot in a random location in my house this shot has no significance, apart from to show the look I'm searching for. As you can see the shot is full of grain and scratches, this is obviously done purposely to create a aged and weathered effect. However I have sadly lost this forage do to a YouTube error.
However, here we see some footage my set and some possible props I will use. Here clips really show how my music video is likely to look. Furthermore this is in fact a clip I plan to use in the video. It shows a class smashing on the floor which is one I have planned on my shot list. It has all the effects and filter I wish to impose on it. Finally, it does in fact use the grain overlay at the top of this blog post.

I also one day brought my actor up to the shooting location and filmed several shot of which I had planned to put into my storyboard and shot list. I had much success filming them as it allowed me to setup my set. This as we can see gives a clear out come of how my actual production may look. Also depending however depending how filming goes when it comes to the real thing I think I may use some of the shots in the actual production. Below we see a few snap shots of some video I took plus a short video so you can see what they look like in action.

 Firstly we see here an example of what an extreme close-up may look like which is useful as it will give me an idea of what type of detail I will be able to capture with the creative colour I'm using. As we can see we have the borders at the sides of the production which means it fits the conventions of old silent films also it allows more focus on what's in the middle of the frame often blocking out what's round the edges creating mystery. The detail I have captured in this footage is something I'm happy with as I'm able to see the shadow in his hand and the creases in his fingers. The shadows are especially important to me as I want to replicate some of F.W Murnau's work so I'm glad I've been able to find out shadows are possible and clear with my creative look holding up.

In this still we see a long shot, this helps me to gage what this type of shot will appear as in my actual production. We can see the black and white LUT I applied to the adjustment layer works even with the largely white walls. As it makes the wall look weathered and old. This is promising as it's exactly the style I was looking for.

Finally, here is a medium shot or close up of the protagonist face. Even with all the colour correction and layers I've put over this clip it has picked up great detail. Such as the reflection on his glasses. I'm also very happy with the film overlay I talked about earlier as it really ages the clips which again is something I wanted. However it is hard to tell with just the screenshots so I uploaded a video of test footage to YouTube, which you can see to the side of this block of text.

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